California heat wave is here and how! 

As a result of the Extreme Heat Event, on August 30, 2022, the National Weather Service issued Excessive Heat Warnings and Excessive Heat Watches within the State in effect beginning on August 31, 2022, through September 6, 2022. The Extreme Heat Event is putting and will continue to put significant demand and strain on California's energy grid.

With temperatures set to rise 15-20 degrees above normal, the stress on the energy grid is expected to rise at a year-round peak of the year exceeding 48,000 megawatts.

In a bid to relieve some of the stress on the energy grid, the California Independent System Operator has issued a flex alert, which encourages residents to restrict their electricity usage between 4 PM and 9 PM. 

As a matter of fact, the Independent System Operator, which has the onus of the management of 80% of the energy grid of the state of California, has suggested residents pre-cool their homes before 4 PM, so that they can go on and conserve energy during the later hours of the day! It has also been suggested that residents do not charge heavy appliances during the same period. The same instructions hold true for small, medium, and large-scale enterprises. 

In the purview of the same, the State Governor, Gavin Newsom has declared a state of emergency. Under the same, it has been declared that –

“For purposes of regulations concerning stationary generators, use of stationary generators from 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on any day on which the CAISO has declared an Energy Emergency Alert 2 or 3 conditions shall be deemed an "emergency use" under California Code of Regulations (CCR}, title 17, section 93115.4, subd. (a} (30) (A} (2).”

Simply put, the government is willing to temporarily retract, or bypass, their previous zero-emissions and green new deal agenda, in favor of providing backup energy sources to help relieve the local power grids. Hence, any permit, regulation or law prohibiting, restricting or penalizing the use of stationary or portable generators or other conduct during the time periods is suspended.

This measure, although seemingly desperate, comes as a result of slowed gains in expanding the State's renewable and zero-carbon energy generation and storage capacity due to supply chain disruptions. Moreover, the increasingly high energy demands due to the current state of the climate have fast outpaced the efforts toward the generation of sustainable energy. 

Fortunately, used portable generators can be availed from reputable providers like Power Generation Enterprises. We will be more than happy to assist you in your journey of selecting and purchasing the best portable generator for commercial use, ensuring your business is well-prepared to navigate through the current climate crisis with ease!

If you choose to opt for a portable generator for your place of business during the heat wave, make sure to adhere to the following tips for enhanced safety of your employees and your premises –

  • Always run your portable generators outdoors
  • Preferably use a generator with automatic low oil shutdown
  • Keep them at a safe distance from open windows or garages 
  • Keep a carbon monoxide detector handy on the premises 
  • Purchase extra fuel or gas for the generator as, if extended, the heat wave can cause prolonged power outages

We hope that you now know all about the ongoing heat wave and are aware of the preparedness you need to ensure in order to safeguard your business operations in face of unwanted power outages.